naechste horizonte: blatt #6

Coco Gordon

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Der Martin -

SuperSkyWoman dives under wire pianos to stop the "highrise my wetlands" syndrome prevalent in making everywhere a tourist attraction. From afar in advertisements, we see pristined edges of beach, marinas, hotels, vapid glamour of nostalgic feet in monoculture sand- what we don't see is diesel fuel floating lurking in the water, marine life decimated, dead water, the loss of biological stores from wetland edges to restore health to dumped on waters -- toxic effluents and severed holistically acting water systems, you know from all that asphalted highways streets and city rooftops with its heavy metal runoffs. Here from the Kultur box, SuperSkyWoman cries out, "Don't Highrise my Wetlands!, wearing her latest hand-painted party dress.

Take a dress, paint on your endangered slogan, go public!
Coco Go

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