Context #3: Coco Gordon

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Dear Martin

A letter to Michael Andre (Unmuzzled Ox):

Jan 13th 2005 in the warp of day night day we lose a little gain a little ray j's death comes back to life.

So Why Not Meet at rubberband opera, where ray johnson is removing his rubberbanded paper, the wood serpent straight-up from his hand, sporting the word REPENT. (as in Repent Serpent!)

Here, an orphic envelope exercise from dropping old cracked rubberband reminders of Duchamp's Stoppages, flicked down on me from rubber worm-lined audio cassettes the way that book of yours fell from the bookshelf clonked me with the message, "To lead walk backwards". "To lead walk backwards" lighting up our poems, Robert Creeley's, & mine,,,,,*

Here, an exercise a' la ray j with cool bunny head jane doe whose nose & eyes must adjust to true bunnyhood, see she pops in where mortals tread to create fear, you we know that & so our Art!!!!!!

Your Ray opera libretto, ORFREO, the Orphic death of ray Johnson, music by Elodie Lauten is a smash Zen hit! Thanks for the CD, Studio 21 i thank you.

For death is a birth
Come meet at roy rogers wherever you are

Jane Doe

Coco Go


That's what I do
on the mudroad
turnaround carstop lookout
toe finger one at a time
all fours backwards sz___ sz_____
in rain red earthpools
practicing an old olllddddd walk

I needed to know loment (ray) lobster (ray)
in my bone leading bone reverse
how not to follow the human
flight forward
from self
so roo rooted
root in earth
stir ring rock ing stir ring rock ing
while tourists circleAttack
their inner windshields to
remove that everlasting
whip de dooooed up dust

Is there a turnaround
for humanity in this practice

mudwoman sz___ sz

To lead I
walk backwardsss___z sz____


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