night: page #2

Coco Gordon

night02.jpg (22369 Byte)

Sonntag, 23. November 2003 03:25

Dear Martin --
good you are hooked into Robert Filliou art was born-probably even longer ago when the universe(s) was (were) born, the unknown is forever pregnant isn't it??

Were there tiles then (sun-baked), was there dripping, what did Jane Doe look like then, how far back to the made environment, who was food for what, & fallens architecture for whom, & how did natural colors appear on stomachs, necks, beaks under the slow drip of time?? Here i am after a walk under the slow drip of time. Were my nanocells part of the first art??

First birth first thought first art. Today i was walking the fragrance waft to me trail past a grove of 4 pines past devastation to the fields, tall-reed entry razed in our nearby arboretum by powerful plant suppressing chemicals, past allbrown where i used to gather milkweed fiber in all seasons, deepening green, pure white stripped from the stems, pockets filled for joy of nature is a part of me.

Up high new streams from rain 6 tree roots so polished clean i saw in them where i came from, that root flower from which SuperSkyWoman was birthed and i smiled. That langsam inbreath slow drip of time. Do the feet breathe, does wind clear paths, will new waterfalls outlast the quick take me i'm yours schemes for pockets of the privatizing rich?? Let us celebrate the langsam birth of ever water art.

Like when I made this dripping net for "piano-animal" art to leap through the 300 yr old magnolia-animal tree in Messina. Drip. Drip. Drip.

So Martin when's the big Filliou splash?

Meanwhile back at the computer it is an optimistic time for the workings of SuperSkyWoman & her alter-ego Jane Doe, just found out she (& she) will live to age 100. try this to test your longevity: & hopeful watchful for progress on your development--looking forward to what happens.

As my mom Alisa says "so old old old but good good good" /
Coco Go

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