the track: talking communities (page #18)

Konferenz in Permanenz
„clear words | Klartext“
Art business and art practice, as free of illusions
(Kunstbetrieb und Kunstpraxis, möglichst illusionsfrei)
We gonna talk in English!

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+) Artists Milica Milicevic and Milan Bosnic (diSTRUKTURA) from Serbia
+) Eugen Lendl, gallery owner from Austria
…talking with Artist Martin Krusche (A)

Samstag, 20. Juli 2013
19:00 Uhr, Galerie Eugen Lendl
Palais Lengheimb, Bürgergasse 4/1
A-8010 Graz

-- [The Flyer: PDF] [Little Feature] [Documentary] --

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„In our efforts we are trying to build on an extended view of Nature - as sublime, pseudo, or synthetic nature in urban constellations - aiming to define the various relationships, both real and virtual, that create the realities of modern-day life in which art has the significant function of pointing to and defining, without any utilitarian means, the evolving drama around us." (diSTRUKTURA)

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+) diSTRUKTURA: [link]
+) Galerie Eugen Lendl: [link]
+) The Styrian Sessions: [link]
+) This evening leads to our symposion the track: axiom | südost [link]

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