martin krusche | transit zone | transit #20

coco gordon (usa)
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"Transit Zone" in New York

SuperSkyWoman Transit Zone Informatik:

Transit Zones in human size! Nice idea for city! In streets like puzzles! Very funny but Oh so serious, human transit beehive work-out trails, calming mandalas in intersections, neighborhood compost windows, tabletop garden-converted streets, children designed non-threatening play spaces, all borne from street management & mass transit changes that use better connectivity & land use. Commuters arrive by direct rail connections. New delivery & flow patterns eliminate much street traffic, connect neighborhoods.

In the transit zone gathering spaces for debris, wheat grass is sown for its juice within native grass mandalas. For the working perimeters, cabbage & violet leaves suck up that old heavy metal then flow on to supply multiple source separation markets ending with sheafs of upcycled handmade paper. New Sustainable Surplus Industries are born.

Moving goods at night increases People Power. City Integrated Delivery Systems fill gaps in track & street usage. That politic-public space waits for your courage, stilled in the blur of motion. We recognize as  Permaculture the needs of the system provided by that system, laws of return, source to sink, reciprocity, healthy continuations of appropriate  heart & brain tech, how to know which resources increase by modest use, which are unaffected by use, which disappear or degrade if not used, which pollute other resources if used. Now you see now you see more go find it.

The soft arch of the Infinite Bottom Line that holds itself up answers why the chicken crosses the road. Personal space made simple soars the city spirit. Flows into exponential dimension. Who wouldnąt want to cross the road that once was but now is.

Build one now in your Sustainable Transit Zone mind. Find out for yourself!

Say after me, I am my own transit to everywhere -- just, caring, empowering! Zone me in!

Yours in the residual spaces/

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