konferenz in permanenz: part #5

conference in permanence: part 5

martin krusche goes ortlos:
The Junk: The urban hobo-moment

On the going in prohibited areas, on exterritorial inscriptions and a shifted view on the city

Martin Krusche, author and exponent of an "art under net conditions", reports on a bodily moving away for clarifying perspectives and on the "CyberTrail" for the investigation of current assumptions on public space.

[deutsche version]

The Junk:
+) 29 Centimeters of steel and rust [LINK]

The Job:
+) The Claim
+) Exterritorial Zone [LINK]
+) Work in Progress

The Joke:
+) Urban sprawl wins.
+) The Province is nothing.
+) Urban culture and street fighters are trendy.
+) The GI on the flat roof of Falluja the icon of the week. [LINK]
+) The martyr’s father cries behind closed doors.
+) Who is allowed to label the surface of the city?
+) Two whom belongs public space?
+) Not the gunman is powerfull, his background-narration is.
+) The practice of overwriting / rewriting.

The Junction:
On a possible point of intersection politics, architecture and fine arts deal with:
+) The design of the difference between private and public space
+) Bodily presence
+) Practising the power of definition
+) Charging public space as political space

The embankment of railway tracks is prohibited area: body of a network modern times are made off.

Here the narration continues ...

Martin Krusche, born 1956,
living and working in Gleisdorf (Austria)

o Interesse? Kontakt

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